Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dealing with Pressure

I find that I am the one who puts the most pressure on me and my writing deadlines. It has its advantages and disadvantages.

In most instances its a definite advantage as I can exert the necessary pressure on myself to get something done. I believe I am self-driven and committed to my aspirations.

On the opposite end of the spectrum I can exert the kind of pressure on myself that can make me feel that I have given myself a heavy burden and that I might fail at making the deadlines. I start to feel panic and a sick feeling in the bottom of my stomach. In some instances I get headaches. It seems the harder I pressure myself the worst the headache gets. When this happens I have to stop what I am doing and give myself a break that is long enough to return to a positive way of approaching my deadlines.

I have been able to persevere and get through these trying periods. It proves to be another positive attribute towards my ultimate goal.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Working With Deadlines

As you can tell it's been a struggle to not only find a topic to write about but also to write it within prescribed timelines.  I have been able to accomplish making my postings when I stated I would post.  In some instances I have not been able to meet the Tuesday deadline.  I have then strived to make sure the post occurs within that week.  Sometimes I have made it and on a couple of occasions I have not made it. 

What I have learned from this exercise is persistence and perseverence.  It hasn't been easy but it hasn't been too difficult.  There have been some trying times.  Most times the cause has been not knowing what I am going to write about. That will probably always be where I will struggle.  In some of the other times it has been not posting timely because I have allowed other things in my life to get in the way of posting the topic timely.  In some instances I've had  2 or 3 topics already drafted ahead of time.  There is a mix of things that get in the way of deadlines and help me to make the deadlines.

I will continue to strive to do my best.  That's all I can find comfort in for the rest of this journey.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Striving for Continued Creativity

I've been thinking about what to do when the drive to find new creativity reaches a serious level.  I have been battling this situation.  In an effort to overcome it I have been continuing to read others' works and think of ways to come up with ideas for topics. 

I have some small comfort in the fact that when I approach this arena I  find that I have the desire to find something to write instead of feeling dread when it comes time to write something.  I view this very positively as it's an important element to my writing.  The very fact that I want to do it is tantamount.

With this in mind I believe very strongly that I'm on the right path to succeeding at the goals I have set for myself in this endeavor. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Realizing Small Accomplishments

It's officially been 20 weeks since I started this project.  I'm happy to say that I haven't been a total failure at keeping up with my writing in this blog. I think it's important to celebrate even small accomplishments. I believe it will give me the inspiration to keep going to the end. I'm so pleased to have made it to this plateau and I feel reinvigorated to continue on this path.

I could have given up. Although I have stumbled a few times I am still on my feet. To me this is definitely something to celebrate.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stuck in the Mud

The past 3 weeks have proven to be a real challenge in keeping up to date with the writing.  I'm stuck in the mire of other aspects of my life.  There are family issues, travel issues and impending move issues to deal with all at the same time. 

However I've made the commitment to write at least once every week and I've been struggling to keep up with that commitment.  I'm sure every writer has to deal with having to juggling many aspects of life and still find time to be creative with their writings.  These are make or break moments.  I'm striving to ensure that I make it to the finish line of this project.  Although there are times when I'm stuck.  I am still determined to persevere.  It will only help me to grow as I go along.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Procrastination At Its Worse

I was supposed to make up for missing a post last week.  So much time has gotten away from me and now I find myself in the same situation again.  I thought I would do it by Thursday of last week.  Thursday has come and gone.  Now I need to create 2 posts this week to get back on schedule with my goal of one topic posted per week.  So I'm out of ideas but I keep thinking and I'm not going to give up.  I had to put other things on the backburner so that I could live up to my goal.  This is at least one of the two I must do this week.  Tomorrow or Thursday at the latest I plan to come up with another topic.

I admit it has gotten increasingly difficult to come up with something to write.  Then it becomes easy for procrastination to set in.  I have to really rack my brain harder so that I can live up to what I committed myself to doing here.