Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Writers Association

I went as far as joining the Screenwriters Federation of America (SFA).  I was not eligible to join the Screen Writers Guild (SWG).  I thought the amount to join SFA was a sizeable amount of money given the fact that I had no published writings at that time.  But I was able to join as an "Associate".  I kept this membership for approximately 3 years.  During that time I visited the site on occasion. I must confess I didn't get my money's worth as I hardly ever when there to take advantage of all the membership offered at that time.  Although SFA is not like SWG there were some very noteworthy production companies listed for members to contact.   The only excuse one would have not to submit a project to see if it can be produced is a self-imposed one.  I had one no doubt whether it was a good one or not.  So this membership lapsed after I stopped updating my old blog and stopped writing on my existing projects.

Of course you have to be an active writer with published works to join SWG.  It is a notable accomplishment to be a member of that organization.  I aspire to be a member one day.   No offense to SFA.  It has really grown and is a worthwhile organization to belong to if someone takes writing seriously.

Sometime ago my sister gave me a book titled "Screenwriters Survival Guide" by Max Adams.  It was supposed to help me get to the next step of actually submitting my screenplay.  As you already know I didn't get that far.  But I still have that book for reference.  Someday soon I must crack open the cover to discover it's secrets.

My sister also gave me a website that contains other less notable writing associations.  However for the life of me I can't remember that website.  I'm sitting in an airport lounge waiting for my flight and I don't have access to any of my writing resource files.  I would like to explore getting a membership at one or more of those clubs as I must start somewhere.   I must ask my sister if she remembers even though it is so long ago.  I can only hope!

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