Saturday, February 12, 2011

Making Excuses or Writer's Cramp

Well as it would appear I am already late in updating this blog this week.  I had a family matter to take care of and it took me off into a non-writing mode.  Part of the problem has also been that I hadn't decided what I would write about this week.  So I guess it is similar to writers cramp.  Somehow I think that terminology should be changed in accordance with how things are these days.  Perhaps it should be writing carpal tunnel syndrome.    As the keyboard demands to be used for not only writing but searching the Internet on an almost continuous basis.  Nevertheless the phrase is too long and not a catchy enough phrase.  I'm sure it's duly noted that we don't do much in the way of writing things on paper using a pen or pencil.  

The reality of the situation is that  we keep making excuses and delaying writing as long as possible.  It's important to get a hold of an unpredictable horse before it goes off course.  I had to mentally keep myself motivated by telling myself that I will write something this week even though it is past my stated deadline for making postings. I had to constantly prompt myself to get it done.  Today is the day and I couldn't delay it any longer.  So I sat down on the computer to get this accomplished and the blog updated.  

I also made a mental promise to start on the next topic this weekend so that this blog is updated timely next week.   Hopefully I can remain steadfast to the task for the remainder of the promised time period.  


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