Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stuck In Time

I am at a lost for inspiration this week.  I think I've bitten off more than I can chew in other areas of my personal life.  I am juggling travel plans, paying bills, household repairs, medical follow-ups, responses that I need to give to companies and challenging personal issues.  Nonetheless I am here to put something down in writing.  I would have wanted to bring something meaningful in the venue of writing to the table.  But once again it updating this blog came in on the bottom of my list of things to do.  Sometimes we are our own worst enemies.  This is a struggle that must be overcome.

I forced myself to come in here regardless of the fact that I had nothing planned to write.  Like anything else in life writing is a struggle.  It's up to each one of us to decide if the struggle is worth the effort.  I'm here because I am not giving up as easily as I did last time.  I must challenge myself to stave off this obstacle that I placed in my own way.  Life is not easy and we all know that for sure as we move through each day.  It's easier to give up on something than to fight for it.  I'm fighting for passion of writing.  I will be writing some letters later this week and I'm happy at that.  This will keep me going down the right path.  I hope you are fighting your own self-defeating urges and moving forward as you tackle the art of  writing.

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