Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Failure To Capture

Last week I had a moment of inspiration for the topic of my next post which is for today.  However because I was out somewhere I didn't jot down my musings so that I could further develop the idea.  Naturally I can't remember what I came up with now that it is 4 days later.  This is not the first time that this has happened to me. I'm hoping that it is the last time.  I can't help but remember what I read in Stephen King's book "On Writing".  I recall that he went to many lengths to find a piece of paper regardless of what kind of paper to write down his idea then and there so that he wouldn't have to rattle his brain trying to remember.   He spoke about writing notes on napkins on the airplane, tearing off pieces of paper from here and there to jot down what came to mind.

I should have had the drive to do something like this when the idea came into my head.  It was clear to me at the time that this was necessary.  I told myself that I was close to home and would remember the idea.  That was a mistake.  I took Stephen King's words to heart back when I read them and kept a little note pad in my purse for those ideas that pop up on the spur of the moment.  So now that it has been more than 3 years ago and I'm back in the mode of writing extensively I can't fathom why I didn't take the time to write the idea down on paper or even type it into the notes section of my android phone.   

This failure has definitely identified another problem that I need to overcome as I move forward with my writing.  I must re-establish the good habits that I learned about 3 years ago.  I need to do that quickly in order to feel that I have made some progress as I continue to write in the future.

I can't help but want to pinch myself for missing this opportunity.  Every thought or idea that excites and inspires the mind brings forth an opportunity.  Failure to write it down somewhere for further development leads to a missed opportunity.  I hope that I have learned from this missed opportunity and will take the necessary steps to capitalize upon future opportunities.  


  1. ahhh, the android phone - you are not the only one occasionally plagued with forgetting an idea. One of my co-workers has a doctorate in chemistry (He is one of 2 senior chemists at he company) and he used to use a Compaq IPAQ to record his thoughts/inspirations/ideas that would come to him, specifically on his 2 hour drive to/fro work. Well, his ipaq died a few weeks ago so he asked me to order him a headset (earbuds) with mic for his touch ipod and he would use that. He also asked me to buy 2 of them. So I mentioned this conversation to my boss to get his approval on buying the earbuds with mic and my boss' first response was "why does he need 2" and then secondly he said he just bought him a bluetooth earpiece for his celphone and he should be able to use that. So I said great idea and then we both almost said simultaneously that we cold just picture him with the bluetooth in 1 ear and the earbud in the other ear and causing all sorts of calamities on the highway and not even realizing it! It was a moment you had to be there! Anyhoot - I said all of this to say your android phone has a voice recorder and you can record your inspirations on it as long as you take it out of your purse...LOL. oh and to end the story, after realizing you could only have 1 item paired to the bluetooth, I bought him 1 headset for his ipod!

  2. On another note I just want to say - keep posting - even when you think you have nothing to say or no idea, even if its about your trip to get the mail from the mailbox without being seen in the bathrobe (or a sheet wrapped around you as I have seen some of my neighbors do) or an errand to CVS (if you shop there) - and perhaps while you are typing about the mundane, something else may start to flow through the fingertips! and yes - I made a typo in celphone as in "cell phone", in my last comment posted :>) Toodles!

  3. Duly noted! Thanks for the comments.
