Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Is There Such A Thing

I have recently thought about the benefits that can be gained from an organized writer's group.  Is there such a thing?  That is the thought that comes to mind.  How is it done? Does each individual participate fully or do they hold something back in fear that their ideas would be stolen?  It's an interesting dilemma.  On the surface I would think it would be a good idea.  But in introspect I bet it is scary to some degree to worry if someone would steal your ideas and put them to good use without your knowledge or permission. I'm sure it has happened.

The nature of this topic has caused me to do a quick google search to see what comes up.  I did a search for writer's groups.  Indeed I found some listings that appear to be groups that offer resources to help get writers noticed and published.  They offer writing courses as well.  Other groups do encourage the sharing of creative works if the member wants to do so.  It would appear that one is not forced into making submissions.  However the opportunity is there if one desires to make that step. The impetus of the groups are supposed to be encouraging writers to write.  The sites also offer tips on how to keep writing.  Sounds like it might be good for some of us. 

I'm still undecided about it at this stage..........

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Look At All The Dust

This place certainly looks very dusty.  It seems like it's been ages since I've been on here.  Due to unforeseen circumstances I have been absent and have neglected this place.  Now I've been able to get back here and dust off a few of the spots that have grown cobwebs.

It is not a matter of making an excuse but offering a reason for the circumstances that have perpetuated the neglect that has set in here.  I have temporarily moved to another country.  It has been a painstaking decision and a monumental effort to get all things in one place and gain order from disorder.  Someone I made it.  Then as it happens in most situations this site fell through the proverbial cracks.  I didn't know that I needed to do some preparations for how I was going to keep up with my goals.  It was an oversight that threw me for a loop and had me roaming the internet for many days and more than a month trying to find a way back here.

I'm in a county where certain websites are blocked and I didn't see it coming nor was I prepared for what I found here.  As luck would have it I got help from new friends and acquaintances.  I  have regained my access to this place.  I've found the key that I lost and I plan on keeping it in a secure place.

That's all for now...............................