Tuesday, January 18, 2011

No Contest

I'm sure that the first thing to come to mind when you see "No Contest" is whether I recently had to go in front of a judge to enter a plea in a court hearing.  While that might add a little excitement here that is certainly not what I mean.  After all this is about writing folks!  I'm happy to report that I've not had any run-ins with the law.  I want to talk about the forum of entering writing contests.

I've tested the waters in this venue at least 3 or 4 times.  I've entered various thematic contests sponsored by Writer's Digest some time ago when I decided to pursue writing as a second career. I made sure I addressed the topical requirements and the word count requirements.  I was very careful even though the topics spurred me to write more than would be accepted in each contest entry.  I didn't win any of the contest nor did I receive any honorable mentions.  As far as I was concerned I was quite pleased with what I wrote for every submission. Then I gave up on the aspect of entering writing contests.

Some people have been quite successful at these contests venues.  It's not for everyone and I decided it's not for me.  I've always found that it is really not within me to thrive off of competing against other people.  I have done quite well when I compete within myself.  I think this is why I have been able to excel in some of the things that I have achieved so far in life.

I did spend more time on other writing endeavors that took my time away from writing for contests.  After that procrastination set in as to whether or not to submit a writing project for publication.  I could write and write and write and I let it become just enough for too long as I've already mentioned in my first posting to this blog.  So it's really up to each individual to decide if contest writing is for them or not.  I still believe even after I didn't win anything that I am good at writing.  I'm not a Michael Jordan but I am inspired by his story.  When he was told he would never be good at basketball he wrote his own history and has been honored by a place in the Basketball Hall of Fame.  I'm embracing this bit of inspiration as I continue on my journey in writing.

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