Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Keeping It Up

This week has been a little bit challenging as well.  As promised I'm not letting other things keep me away from here.  There is a wealth of joy that I feel when I put something down in writing.  This is a theraputic release.  I do feel so much better when I write.  I'm very happy that I've given myself this challenge.  I'm sure it's going to get harder as time goes by.  But hopefully I can persevere.  

Although I didn't have a topic handy I came up with something on the spur of the moment.  I'm a planner and I hardly have the spontaneity to do things on a whim or on short notice.  I see I still need to work on that and just do it from time to time to change things up.

This is a short post this week but I can only hope for more to impart next time.


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