Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Battling The Fear

Now that I have been retired from my career for 4 months now I've still not been able to tackle writing for myself.  I've written business articles, professional correspondence and extensive reports quite successfully.  I believe I can do well in the art of "writing".  I wanted to pursue a new career in writing movie scripts or fictional novels.  Somehow when I think of writing something and submitting it for evaluation a tightness occurs in the chest area.  My throat becomes constricted and I feel like I can't breathe.  What is this fear?  What makes me not want to go through the process?  I have braved worst enemies than this one.  Somehow I haven't been able to conquer this fear that I might not be successful in my writings.  This is as clear as I can put it. I have some unfinished writings, however, I haven't been able to finish them.

I saw one of my ideas formatted into a TV program.  Someone else beat me to it.  It's not their fault.  It's mine!  I didn't finish what I started because of the fear of rejection.  So now I'm trying to break this vicious cycle.  I know that I am not alone.  There are many others out there with this same problem.  It's like making a public speech.  So many of us fear having to speak in front of other people.  Many of us may be very good writers and can write a project but when it comes to getting it out for publication we panic.  All sorts of questions come to mind.  Am I good enough?  Will this appeal to the movie or publishing company?  Will many people go to a movie that I have written or read what I have published?  If one writing project is accepted can I measure up to the task of writing other equally successful projects?  These are all unanswered questions that all of us have to face.

What do you think?